Friday 9 November 2012

Coracall announces ISO 27001 certification by QMS International

On the occasion of successful certification of ISO 27001 today by QMS International, Coracall CEO Mr Phil Lightfoot, CEO of Coracall said, “This certification provides our customers with the comfort of knowing that their data and information security conform to the highest industry standards. As a full service, call centre / BPO company with operations in the UK, South Africa, India and the Philippines the need to ensure data confidentiality is paramount not only to us but to our valued customers.”

When asked about the importance and relevance of ISO 27001, Mr Lightfoot replied, “The importance of the certification and its industry relevance cannot be underestimated. The standard assesses security risks, vulnerabilities, potential information security risks and responses. The fact that we have successfully completed the exhaustive certification process means that our hard work and establishment of internal controls has been rigorous. We believe that this certification is reflective of our core organizational values of credibility, reliability and trust which are at the heart of each and every one of our relationships with our customers. The ISO certification has been a team effort and an enterprise wide initiative and is a credit to our employees across the globe.”


  1. ISO 27001 specifies requirements for the establishment, implementation, monitoring and review, maintenance and improvement of a management system – an overall management and control framework - for managing an organization's information security risks. It does not mandate specific information security controls but stops at the level of the management system.

  2. This is true. ISO assures customers and clients that the company they are dealing with is honest and lives up to the international standards when it comes to quality management practices. This is totally like a seal approval for every company.
    Barton Wilson
